

I've had the opportunity to work at some pretty amazing places, and got to work on some very exciting projects. I’ve worked at product companies and digital agencies, and learned a lot from both.

As I’ve grown in my career, I’ve come to appreciate what a smart, empowered design team can do. Assembling the right people, coaching them up, and helping put in place the design processes that work can produce amazing results. I see building and growing a design team as a design challenge, one that I’m deeply passionate about.

My 15+ years of experience are split between Boston, where I live now and Chicago. I have a deep love for both cities.


How I Can Help


Servant Leadership

My approach to leadership is to empower my team, putting individuals into positions where they can excel. People properly motivated and able to act often exceed expectations. My teams continually deliver business results while also rating high on job satisfaction (as measured by eNPS). Read my case study on team building here.


Design Strategy

Defining a north star for your organization is critical to success. But even more important is the roadmap to get you there. I partner with Product and other business stakeholders to plot the organization’s direction and how to get there. Design can be indispensable to achieving your business goals.


UX + Agile

Getting the relationship between UX/design and engineering right is critical. On the surface they seem to have mutually exclusive approaches. I’ve successfully integrated design into agile frameworks without creating bottlenecks or delays. Read my case study here.


Workshop Facilitation

Design thinking can’t be left only to the designers. The entire squad and organization need to embrace this approach to properly identify and explore impactful ideas. I’ve lead numerous workshops to help teams master the Design Thinking approach.


Sometimes I write things

I write frequently/infrequently about the intersection of UX, Product, and the process of building things. Most of my work can be found on Medium.

Below are several posts I think represent my thinking on these topics.